
Vermicelli and Date Pudding

 Easy Vermicelli Sweet | Vermicelli and Date 



Vermicelli sweet is a creamy and tasty sweet dish or dessert, which is very easy to prepare. This recipe is close to my heart because this is my mother’s recipe, just like others of my mother's recipes. She taught me this one quickly when we had a guest over and I didn’t know what to serve as a sweet dish.

Since then, it’s a quick dessert fix for me, I make it whenever a guest arrives unannounced. Keep it on the stove to cook and occasionally keep a check on this dessert, meanwhile prepare tea and set the table for guest. Vermicelli pudding will be ready by then and the glorious thing about this dessert is it tastes amazing when it’s a little warm.

Eat it at any time! You will love it.

I like to call this dessert a no-fuss sweet dish; it caters to sweet lovers and to nutritional needs too. Milk and date combine to make a healthy and nutritional sweet.

Let’s go through the ingredients and learn the magical spell to create a delectable and creamy sweet dish like this one.

Vermicelli:  Vermicelli is “seviya”, it is a long slender form of pasta thinner than spaghetti. Easily available in all stores and markets, we make a variety of sweet dishes with it.

Spices & Herbs: Cinnamon and cardamom are the spices to give an aroma to this dish. I like to use whole spices and crackle them in a little oil for aroma. We can grind these two spices as well, few people only like to put cardamom, so if you are not a cinnamon lover, feel free to use cardamon only (whole or powder). But I feel the powder overpowers the dish, I like the mild aroma though, so whole spices for me 

Sugar: Sweetness provider is sugar and brown sugar or “jaggery”. Jaggery is the unrefined form of sugar, which is considered healthier than the refined one.

Date: Any kind of date will do in this recipe, as long as they are fresh. Just take out the seeds and we are good to go.

Milk: Fresh or packet one, both are suitable to use.

How to make Vermicelli and Date pudding

Simmer Milk and Date: Take a wide and deep pan, pour milk, add date without seeds. Simmer on low flame for 5 to 10 minutes till the dates are soft. Add in sugar and brown sugar” Jaggery”

Fry Vermicelli: In another pan, crackle cinnamon sticks and cardamom pods in little oil till fragrant. Add vermicelli and fry on medium heat, let it turn golden brown.

Final Simmer:  As vermicelli turns golden brown, add it to the simmering milk and cook on medium flame till milk turns to a creamy texture.

Serve! Dish out in a serving bowl and serve warm.

Pro Tips:

  •     Deseed and grind dates into a thick paste and keep it in the refrigerator for an even quicker sweet dish.
  •     For creamier texture and taste, add 1 Tbsp of cream in the end.
  •     Decorate with roasted dry fruits to make it richer.
  •     Saffron will make it more regal.

Video Recipe of Vermicelli Pudding

Prep 5 Mins Cook 10 Mins Serves 5
  • The delicious vermicelli pudding.


    Dates–3 large

    Milk–1 liter

    Brown Sugar–2 to 3 tbsp

    Sugar–1 to 2 tbsp

    Cardamom pods–1 to 2

    Cinnamon sticks–1 to 2

    Vermicelli–about 1 cup


    · De-seed dates, set aside.

    · In a deep and wide pan, add milk and dates. Simmer on low heat for the dates to soften.

    · In another pan, crackle cinnamon and cardamom.

    · Cover and cook on low flame for 10 minutes.

    · Serve warm with any side dish of your liking.

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